2020-12-13 02:31
标签:des style code java http tar Please install these tools in a path without
spaces (i.e. not in "C:\Program Files") Make sure the GnuWin32 packages are in your PATH as well as Perl and Python.
You also need to have %QTDIR% set and have %QTDIR%\bin in your PATH. Remarks: mingw-w64/w32 also provides a toolchain targetting 32-bit windows.
Sezero provides builds:http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/ The
procedure to compile Qt is exactly the same, only that he mingw64 folder name
should be mingw32. Git tends to be rather slow for repositories with a huge amount of files on
Windows. One way to deal with that is to use a sparse-checkout, to "ignore"
certain files. The LayoutTests directory is certainly a good
candidate, if you currently do not need these files. A sparse-checkout uses a
config file (.git/info/sparse-checkout) to determine if a file should
be checked out or not. Files mentioned in the config file will be part of the
checkout. Files not mentioned in the config file will be ignored. There is also
a syntax to invert this logic, but it is currently not working well with
directories. QtWebkit开发环境配置及编译方法-Windows32bit,搜素材,soscw.com QtWebkit开发环境配置及编译方法-Windows32bit 标签:des style code java http tar 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/webapplee/p/3771937.htmlDependencies
If you
have Cygwin‘s bin directory in your path, make sure that it comes after
ActiveState Perl and GnuWin32. You might have to remove it completely from your
PATH if you have problems with slashes and backslashes while building using
MinGW. mingw32-make and GnuWin32‘smake will use
sh.exe to run commands if they find it in the PATH.Building QtWebKit
Note that building
inside Cygwin or MSYS is currently not supported. Please use a Windows
command prompt.Notes about
building QtWebKit with the
Qt/Windows OpenSource Edition
If this do not work you might have to
Ctrl-C build-webkit‘s execution, go in the
WebKitBuild\Release\ directory and run:mingw32-make -C JavaScriptCore -f Makefile.Release -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% && mingw32-make -C WebCore -f Makefile.Release -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% && mingw32-make
set CL= /MP
‘Works For Me‘ Step-by-Step Guide to building QtWebKit on
Windows using mingw-w64/w32
set PATH=C:\mingw64\bin;C:\Qt\bin;%PATH%
set QTDIR=C:\Qt
cd C:\Qt
configure -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -phonon
‘Works For Me‘ Step-by-Step Guide to Building QtWebKit on
Windows using MinGW
set Path=c:\GnuWin32\bin;c:\Qt\2009.01\qt\bin;c:\Qt\2009.01\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Windows\system32;c:\Qt\2009.01\mingw\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Windows
$ svn checkout http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk %HOME%\WebKit
$ cd %HOME%/WebKit
$perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release --no-svg
$perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release --minimal
Speedup Git on Windows
git config core.sparsecheckout true
rmdir /s LayoutTests
git read-tree -m -u HEAD
git ls-files -v | grep ^S
-----创建两个变量名,分别为QTDIR(值为 F:/QtWebKit/qt-windows-open.....),QMAKESPEC(值为 win32-msvc20XX; 这里的XX,根据VS的版本决定,本人用的是2010,所以为win32-msvc2010)
-----打开VS软件,进入Visual Studio Tools中,运行命令行,锁定到qt的源码目录下,运行命令:configure.exe -webkit