2020-12-13 03:10
标签:related 搜索功能 inf private round lte nta 课程 ota Unity官方教程_BeginnerLevel 课程: UnityBasics The Scene View: 快捷键: Center/ Pivot mode的使用: 在选择多个GameObject时会有完全不一样的效果 Scene/Hierachy面板的搜索功能: The Game View: Display drop-down menu: The Project Window: meta文件: 每一个asset文件,都会有一个associated meta file Search Bar: filter类型有两种: 类型/ Tag标签(即在Inspector中的tag) 也可以手动在搜索栏中打入filter: The Inspector Window: Normal/ Debug mode: UnityLearn_Beginner_UnityBasics 标签:related 搜索功能 inf private round lte nta 课程 ota 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/FudgeBear/p/11069894.htmlUnityLearn_Beginner_UnityBasics
Tutorial. Using the Unity Interface
hold alt + leftMouseButton, we can drag to rotate around our current point of focus
hold alt + rightMouseButton, we can drag to zoom in and out at the current point of focus
t: light -- 搜索带有Light组件的所有GameObject
choose between a list of cameras in the scene (camera的display属性默认值为display1)
也可以用于isolate some specific cameras during play testing
meta files are files created by unity when a new asset is created or imported
meta files contains importatnt infomation about how the asset is used in the project
需要确保这些meta文件与related的asset文件在一起(stay with)
所以在restructure(rename/ delete/ move等)目录时,推荐在Unity的ProjectWindow中进行操作
如"coffee t:texture"
Normal mode: shows all the public editable properties
Debug mode: shows all the properties (including private ones, is still not able to be edited)