dummynet windows下安装指南~
2020-12-13 03:27
标签:code http com 使用 文件 代码 项目需要使用到了 dummynet,一般是用来控制流量,带宽,延迟,丢包率什么的,废话不说,直接进入安装流程 1.下载dummynet 的源代码(source code) http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/dummynet/#3d2a 点选左边Availability,点选source code 下载 2.下载完解压缩,在readme里其实有完整的安装指南,在这里我复制过来并翻译一下 注意,这是直接使用已经build好的exe文件,如果要自己build代码,可以参看readme下面的build Windows: INSTALL THE NDIS DRIVER Now you are ready to use the emulator. To configure it, open a ‘cmd‘ 最后你可以在cmd下测试ipfw.exe或者用test.bat测试 dummynet windows下安装指南~,搜素材,soscw.com dummynet windows下安装指南~ 标签:code http com 使用 文件 代码 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/Xiegg/p/3808457.html
A pre-built version is in binary/ and binary64/ directories. 32位和64位都是适用的
- open the configuration panel for the network card in use 控制面板,打开网络和共享中心
(right click on the icon on the SYSTRAY, or go to
Control Panel -> Network and select one card) 在你正在使用的网卡上点右键-》属性-》安装-》服务-》添加
- click on Properties->Install->Service->Add
- click on ‘Driver Disk‘ and select ‘netipfw.inf‘ in this folder 打开你下载的source code的目录解压,打开binary文件夹,添加netipfw.inf,然后会要你选ipfw
- select ‘ipfw+dummynet‘ which is the only service you should see .sys,也在这个binary目录下,然后确定就OK
- click accept on the warnings for the installation of an unsigned
driver (roughly twice per existing network card)
window (REMEMBER to run it as Administrator)
and you can use the ipfw command from the command line.
Otherwise click on the ‘TESTME.bat‘ which is a batch program that
runs various tests.