Win8.1下Perl PPM启动问题
2020-12-13 05:16
标签:style http for re 问题 c Win8.1(专业版)下执行Perl(版本5.18.2)的PPM工具提示: C:\Users\宁>ppm 经过多方查找: You can set the ACTIVEPERL_PPM_HOME environment variable to Example: set ACTIVEPERL_PPM_HOME=c:\perl\temp 就是说自己设置一个不含中文的目录(设置之前请确保目录存在),原因初步判断为目录中包含中文. Win8.1下Perl PPM启动问题,搜素材, Win8.1下Perl PPM启动问题 标签:style http for re 问题 c 原文地址:
ppm gui failed: DBI connect(‘dbname=C:\Users\宁\AppData\Local/ActiveState/Active
Perl/1802/ppm-MSWin32-x64-multi-thread-5_18.db‘,‘‘,...) failed: unable to open d
atabase file
point to a directory without extended Unicode characters in its name and PPM
will try to maintain its database in this directory instead.