2020-12-13 05:26
标签:code assembly call bundle sign eve rop cin public Unity官方教程_BeginnerLevel https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/unity-tips#5c7f8528edbc2a002053b481 Snap: 当移动、旋转、缩放物体时,可以按住Ctrl/ Cmd键,能够按步长进行更改。 Preview Window: 资源文件的Inspector面板下面有一个Preview面板,一般而言是固定在Inspector下的。 快速定位Camera位置: 在Scene中将视角调到合适位置和角度,选中需要改变的Camera,选择GameObject -> Align With View 选中一个Camera后,选择GameObject -> Align View To Selected 在Inspector中像调整Slider.value一样调整public variable: 在public variable上加上Range decoration: 在Inspector中显示private variable: public variable可以在Inspector面板中显示 大型项目的注意点: Before Starting: Source Control: Unity Editor集成的source control service: Collaborate 使用external source control: Git/ Svn/ Mercurial/ Perforce等工具,需要注意 Scales and Standards: Units: 对于使用rigidbody的3D游戏: 1 unit = 1 meter,以便物理引擎准确的模拟 对于使用rigidbody的2D游戏: 定义一个"base sprite size" 以确定 1 base size = 1 unit = 1 meter Naming Convention: 所有资源文件的文件名都遵循相同的Naming Convention. Project Structure: Folders: .meta文件记录了对应资源文件的导入设置(import settings) 文件夹的创建规则: 如果项目用到Assets Bundles时,使用第二种方法会很方便 Prototype Folders: 原文: Keep everything that is related to a prototype or placeholder in a separate folder hierarchy, and avoid cross referencing between those folders and folders which contain shippable assets/code. For example, your Character prefab in the "normal" file hierarchy should not reference a test material in your Prototype folders. Create a prototype character prefab that would reside in the Prototype folders and never use that prefab in a non prototype scenes (you could even write editor scripts that check references used by objects in the prototype folder to be sure that this rules is enforced. ) Resources: 尽可能地在Resources文件夹中存放资源。 Resources文件夹中的资源可以通过脚本Resources.Load()被动态加载, 使用path/ filename,会对后期项目的管理增加成本,比如文件目录变更、资源名更改等 Assets: 确保资源文件是小的: 使用压缩格式: Assembly Definition Files: Scenes Structure: Hierarchy depth and count: Organization: Dynamic Objects in Editor: Game Design and Features: Create cheat function: Use small feature test scenes: UnityLearn_Beginner_UnityTips 标签:code assembly call bundle sign eve rop cin public 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/FudgeBear/p/11141001.htmlUnityLearn_Beginner_UnityTips
Tutorial. Unity Tips
步长可以在Edit -> Snap Settings中进行设置
[Range(1.0f, 10.0f)] 即可
但是,为了在Inspector面板中显示,而使用了public的话,则vialate the encapsulation principle
解决方法: [SerializeField] attribute
1. 不要包括Library, Temp, obj,因为在另一台电脑打开工程时是不需要这些文件的
2. Version control to Visible Meta Files:
将meta files放置在assets资源文件边上,这些meta files存储了相关属性值和设置值
否则,会将meta files存放在Library文件夹中,导致不能上传到Git共用
3. Asset Serialization to Force Text:
make all unity files (ScriptableObjects, Scenes, Prefabs and many others) use a text representation instead of a binary one.
这么做可以 1. 使Source control只存储对这些文件的更改,而不是一份完整的文件拷贝
2. 可以手动merge文件更改的conflicts
在项目初期就进行asset serialization的设置是被推荐的
比如设置32px = 1 meter = 1 unit.
将所有的Sprite的Pixel Per Unit都设置为该值(32),以便物理引擎的模拟
appending suffixes: 比如 _N for normal map, _AO for ambient occlusion map
prefixes: 比如 LowRes_ 和 HighRes_
filter through search
write custom importer setting value automatically
因此在移动资源文件时,需要在Unity Editor的Project View中进行操作, 这么做Unity会take care of moving everything properly
或者在操作系统的Explorer中移动时将对应的meta文件也随着资源文件一起移动,否则会导致引用丢失(lose references)和导入设置的丢失
1. A folder for each type of asset, and subfolders per objects/ zones
比如(Assets/Materials; Assets/Prefabs; Assets/Materials/Level1;)
2. A folder per objects/ zones
比如(Assets/Level1/Enemy/Archer; Assets/Shared/UI; Assets/Forest/Trees)
比如(Assets/Forest/Trees/BigTree.fbx; Assets/Forest/Trees/SmallTree.mat)
可以很方便地create bundles per content themes by adding the parent folder to a specific bundle
并splitting the related assets through different bundles.
1. 使用direct reference: 用拖拽到脚本变量的方式
2. 如果真的需要使用Resources.Load,请使用Resources.LoadAsync()
该方法will not block execution
在某些设备上,Loading会占用很长的时间ResourceRequest request = Resources.LoadAsync("cube");
request.completed += operation => {
ResourceRequest op = operation as ResourceRequest;
但是这样做并不会减少import资源的时间,导致第一次initial setup工程的时间变得更久
Image: 使用.png/ .tga/ .tiff/ 如果图形软件支持的话,也可以使用.dds
audio: 使用.ogg
ADF compile all scripts in a folder and its subfolders into a separate DLL.
上一篇:String 转JSON