Windows Server 2012 R2中的网络诊断命令
2020-12-13 05:31
标签:des blog http os strong io for cti Get-NetAdapter Get-NetIPAddress Get-NetIPConfiguration(GIP) tnc -traceroute PA Pings allows admins to validate connectivity in the physical infrastructure that the tenant networks are overlaid on. The system injects ICMP packets above physical NIC of the source VM and waits for an echo response from the physical NIC of the destination VM. This enables the ability of sending an ICMP packet from one PA to another. This tool is available in the traditional ping tool with the –p parameter If you do not know the provider address you can query for it by running “Get-netvirtualizationprovideraddress” and use “get-netvirtualizationlookuprecord” to figure out the right provider address corresponding to the VM’s IP address. Test-VMNetworkAdapter –VMName Helen –sender –SenderIPAddress –ReceiverIPAddress –NextHopMacAddress f4-ce-46-2d-98-16 –VMNetworkAdapterName HelenNic RoundTripTime : 16 milliseconds From: Windows Server 2012 R2中的网络诊断命令,搜素材, Windows Server 2012 R2中的网络诊断命令 标签:des blog http os strong io for cti 原文地址: :Pinging Servers and Trace Route
tnc -prot 80
tnc hostname RDPProvider Address (PA) Ping
文章标题:Windows Server 2012 R2中的网络诊断命令