2020-12-13 14:18
标签:style blog http io color os ar 使用 for Memcached是什么? Memcached能缓存什么? Memcached的使用需要服务端和客户端同时合作完成。 服务端一般用Danga Interactive开发的: Memcached官方站点: Memcached Win32 1.2.6下载: 或者 1.解压 ,它是memcached的服务器端。 telnet添加数据到memcached: add key值 0 时间(秒) 长度(存放多长时间由你指定, 键名不能重复,但是值可以重复 )例:add name 0 5 5不可以在add name 0 77 44 获取数据 get key值 【key-val key不能重复,但是val可以重复】 修改数据 replace key值 0 60 5 【如果key值不存在,则失败】 set key值 0 60 5 【如果key值不存在,相当于添加,如果存在,则相当于修改.】 删除数据 delete 键值 例: 至此服务端配置完成 客户端的版本比较多,并且不能互用,因为采用了压缩机制,日志等功能,所以在选择客户端时要注意这些。 Memcached .NET客户端: 1).NET memcached client library 下载地址: 2) Memcached Client 下载地址: 3)Memcached Providers 下载地址: 4) BeIT Memcached 下载地址: 我这里用BeIT,BeITMemcached_source_2008_05_31.zip压缩包下栽下来,里面有Sample 最早的客户端是采用取余的hash算法来查找服务器的,我们知道以往资料要放到 M 台服务器上,最简单的方法就是取余数 (hash_value % M) 然后放到对应的服务器上,那就是当添加或移除服务器时,缓存重组的代价相当巨大。添加服务器后,余数就会产生巨变,这样就无法获取与保存时相同的服务器, 从而影响缓存的命中率。 参考 Windows上memcached的使用 标签:style blog http io color os ar 使用 for 原文地址:
Memcached是由Danga Interactive开发的,高性能的,分布式的内存对象缓存系统,用于在动态应用中减少数据库负载,提升访问速度。
非常快。Memcached使用了libevent(如果可以的话,在linux下使用epoll)来均衡任何数量的打开链接,使用非阻塞的网络I/O,对内部对象实现引用计数(因此,针对多样的客户端,对象可以处在多样的状态), 使用自己的页块分配器和哈希表, 因此虚拟内存不会产生碎片并且虚拟内存分配的时间复杂度可以保证为O(1).。
Memcached的缓存是一种分布式的,可以让不同主机上的多个用户同时访问, 因此解决了共享内存只能单机应用的局限,更不会出现使用数据库做类似事情的时候,磁盘开销和阻塞的发生。
3.cmd下运行类似命令 ‘d:/memcached/memcached.exe -d install‘ 安装服务器端,这时候它应该会出现在windows服务中
4.cmd下运行类似命令 ‘d:/memcached/memcached.exe -d start‘启动服务,看服务器进程中是否有memcached进程。
6.服务器端这时已经安装完毕、在其他机器上测试一下,cmd输入telnet 11211看能否登录class Example {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
// Setting up a client.
Console.Out.WriteLine("Setting up Memcached Client.");
MemcachedClient.Setup("MyCache", new string[] { "localhost" });
//It is possible to have several clients with different configurations:
//If it is impossible to resolve the hosts, this method will throw an exception.
try {
MemcachedClient.Setup("MyOtherCache", new string[]{ "", ""});
} catch (Exception e) {
//Get the instance we just set up so we can use it. You can either store this reference yourself in
//some field, or fetch it every time you need it, it doesn‘t really matter.
MemcachedClient cache = MemcachedClient.GetInstance("MyCache");
//It is also possible to set up clients in the standard config file. Check the section "beitmemcached"
//in the App.config file in this project and you will see that a client called "MyConfigFileCache" is defined.
MemcachedClient configFileCache = MemcachedClient.GetInstance("MyConfigFileCache");
//Change client settings to values other than the default like this:
cache.SendReceiveTimeout = 5000;
cache.ConnectTimeout = 5000;
cache.MinPoolSize = 1;
cache.MaxPoolSize = 5;
// Using a client.
//Set some items
Console.Out.WriteLine("Storing some items.");
cache.Set("mystring", "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.");
cache.Set("myarray", new string[]{"This is the first string.", "This is the second string."});
cache.Set("myinteger", 4711);
cache.Set("mydate", new DateTime(2008, 02, 23));
//Use custom hash
cache.Set("secondstring", "Flygande b鋍kasiner s鰇a hwila p?mjuka tufvor", 4711);
//Get a string
string str = cache.Get("mystring") as string;
if (str != null) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key: mystring, value: " + str);
//Get an object
string[] array = cache.Get("myarray") as string[];
if (array != null) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched items with key: myarray, value 1: " + array[0] + ", value 2: " + array[1]);
//Get several values at once
object[] result = cache.Get(new string[]{"myinteger", "mydate"});
if (result[0] != null && result[0] is int) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key: myinteger, value: " + (int)result[0]);
if (result[1] != null && result[1] is DateTime) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key: mydate, value: " + (DateTime)result[1]);
str = cache.Get("secondstring", 4711) as string;
if (str != null) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched item with key and custom hash: secondstring, value: " + str);
//Set a counter
Console.Out.WriteLine("Setting an item for incrementing and decrementing.");
cache.SetCounter("mycounter", 9000);
ulong? counter = cache.GetCounter("mycounter");
if (counter.HasValue) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Fetched mycounter, value: " + counter.Value);
//Increment the counter
counter = cache.Increment("mycounter", 1);
if (counter.HasValue) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Incremented mycounter with 1, new value: " + counter.Value);
//Decrement the counter
counter = cache.Decrement("mycounter", 9000);
if (counter.HasValue) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Decremented mycounter with 9000, new value: " + counter.Value);
//Append and prepend
Console.Out.WriteLine("Storing bar for append/prepend");
cache.Set("foo", "bar");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Appending baz");
cache.Append("foo", " baz");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Prepending foo");
cache.Prepend("foo", "foo ");
Console.Out.WriteLine("New value: " + cache.Get("foo"));
Console.Out.WriteLine("Trying to CAS non-existant key castest: " + cache.CheckAndSet("castest", "a", 0));
Console.Out.WriteLine("Setting value for key: castest, value: a");
cache.Set("castest", "a");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Trying to CAS key castest with the wrong unique: " + cache.CheckAndSet("castest", "a", 0));
ulong unique;
cache.Gets("castest", out unique);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Getting cas unique for key castest: " + unique);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Trying to CAS again with the above unique: " + cache.CheckAndSet("castest", "b", unique));
string value = cache.Gets("castest", out unique) as string;
Console.Out.WriteLine("New value: " + value + ", new unique: " + unique);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Displaying the socketpool status:");
foreach (KeyValuePairstring, Dictionarystring, string>> host in cache.Status()) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("Host: " + host.Key);
foreach (KeyValuePairstring, string> item in host.Value) {
Console.Out.WriteLine("\t" + item.Key + ": " + item.Value);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Finished. Press enter to exit.");
如今采用了Consistent Hashing算法来改善性能,具体可以看最后的参考网址。
上一篇:解决JAVA Process死锁