标签:des style blog http io color ar os for
//string strFile="fffff.jpg";//文件名
//System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(strFile);
//EXIF.EXIFextractor er = new EXIF.EXIFextractor(ref bmp, "\n");
//Console.Write(strFile + "\r\n");
//foreach (EXIF.Pair pr in er)
//Console.Write(pr.First + ":" + pr.Second + "\r\n");
/// http://www.goheer.com
/// visist goheer.com for latest version of this control
using System;
using Goheer.EXIF;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace Goheer
namespace EXIF
/// EXIFextractor Class
public class EXIFextractor : IEnumerable
/// Get the individual property value by supplying property name
/// These are the valid property names :
/// "Exif IFD"
/// "Gps IFD"
/// "New Subfile Type"
/// "Subfile Type"
/// "Image Width"
/// "Image Height"
/// "Bits Per Sample"
/// "Compression"
/// "Photometric Interp"
/// "Thresh Holding"
/// "Cell Width"
/// "Cell Height"
/// "Fill Order"
/// "Document Name"
/// "Image Description"
/// "Equip Make"
/// "Equip Model"
/// "Strip Offsets"
/// "Orientation"
/// "Samples PerPixel"
/// "Rows Per Strip"
/// "Strip Bytes Count"
/// "Min Sample Value"
/// "Max Sample Value"
/// "X Resolution"
/// "Y Resolution"
/// "Planar Config"
/// "Page Name"
/// "X Position"
/// "Y Position"
/// "Free Offset"
/// "Free Byte Counts"
/// "Gray Response Unit"
/// "Gray Response Curve"
/// "T4 Option"
/// "T6 Option"
/// "Resolution Unit"
/// "Page Number"
/// "Transfer Funcition"
/// "Software Used"
/// "Date Time"
/// "Artist"
/// "Host Computer"
/// "Predictor"
/// "White Point"
/// "Primary Chromaticities"
/// "ColorMap"
/// "Halftone Hints"
/// "Tile Width"
/// "Tile Length"
/// "Tile Offset"
/// "Tile ByteCounts"
/// "InkSet"
/// "Ink Names"
/// "Number Of Inks"
/// "Dot Range"
/// "Target Printer"
/// "Extra Samples"
/// "Sample Format"
/// "S Min Sample Value"
/// "S Max Sample Value"
/// "Transfer Range"
/// "JPEG Proc"
/// "JPEG InterFormat"
/// "JPEG InterLength"
/// "JPEG RestartInterval"
/// "JPEG LosslessPredictors"
/// "JPEG PointTransforms"
/// "JPEG QTables"
/// "JPEG DCTables"
/// "JPEG ACTables"
/// "YCbCr Coefficients"
/// "YCbCr Subsampling"
/// "YCbCr Positioning"
/// "REF Black White"
/// "ICC Profile"
/// "Gamma"
/// "ICC Profile Descriptor"
/// "SRGB RenderingIntent"
/// "Image Title"
/// "Copyright"
/// "Resolution X Unit"
/// "Resolution Y Unit"
/// "Resolution X LengthUnit"
/// "Resolution Y LengthUnit"
/// "Print Flags"
/// "Print Flags Version"
/// "Print Flags Crop"
/// "Print Flags Bleed Width"
/// "Print Flags Bleed Width Scale"
/// "Halftone LPI"
/// "Halftone LPIUnit"
/// "Halftone Degree"
/// "Halftone Shape"
/// "Halftone Misc"
/// "Halftone Screen"
/// "JPEG Quality"
/// "Grid Size"
/// "Thumbnail Format"
/// "Thumbnail Width"
/// "Thumbnail Height"
/// "Thumbnail ColorDepth"
/// "Thumbnail Planes"
/// "Thumbnail RawBytes"
/// "Thumbnail Size"
/// "Thumbnail CompressedSize"
/// "Color Transfer Function"
/// "Thumbnail Data"
/// "Thumbnail ImageWidth"
/// "Thumbnail ImageHeight"
/// "Thumbnail BitsPerSample"
/// "Thumbnail Compression"
/// "Thumbnail PhotometricInterp"
/// "Thumbnail ImageDescription"
/// "Thumbnail EquipMake"
/// "Thumbnail EquipModel"
/// "Thumbnail StripOffsets"
/// "Thumbnail Orientation"
/// "Thumbnail SamplesPerPixel"
/// "Thumbnail RowsPerStrip"
/// "Thumbnail StripBytesCount"
/// "Thumbnail ResolutionX"
/// "Thumbnail ResolutionY"
/// "Thumbnail PlanarConfig"
/// "Thumbnail ResolutionUnit"
/// "Thumbnail TransferFunction"
/// "Thumbnail SoftwareUsed"
/// "Thumbnail DateTime"
/// "Thumbnail Artist"
/// "Thumbnail WhitePoint"
/// "Thumbnail PrimaryChromaticities"
/// "Thumbnail YCbCrCoefficients"
/// "Thumbnail YCbCrSubsampling"
/// "Thumbnail YCbCrPositioning"
/// "Thumbnail RefBlackWhite"
/// "Thumbnail CopyRight"
/// "Luminance Table"
/// "Chrominance Table"
/// "Frame Delay"
/// "Loop Count"
/// "Pixel Unit"
/// "Pixel PerUnit X"
/// "Pixel PerUnit Y"
/// "Palette Histogram"
/// "Exposure Time"
/// "F-Number"
/// "Exposure Prog"
/// "Spectral Sense"
/// "ISO Speed"
/// "OECF"
/// "Ver"
/// "DTOrig"
/// "DTDigitized"
/// "CompConfig"
/// "CompBPP"
/// "Shutter Speed"
/// "Aperture"
/// "Brightness"
/// "Exposure Bias"
/// "MaxAperture"
/// "SubjectDist"
/// "Metering Mode"
/// "LightSource"
/// "Flash"
/// "FocalLength"
/// "Maker Note"
/// "User Comment"
/// "DTSubsec"
/// "DTOrigSS"
/// "DTDigSS"
/// "FPXVer"
/// "ColorSpace"
/// "PixXDim"
/// "PixYDim"
/// "RelatedWav"
/// "Interop"
/// "FlashEnergy"
/// "SpatialFR"
/// "FocalXRes"
/// "FocalYRes"
/// "FocalResUnit"
/// "Subject Loc"
/// "Exposure Index"
/// "Sensing Method"
/// "FileSource"
/// "SceneType"
/// "CfaPattern"
/// "Gps Ver"
/// "Gps LatitudeRef"
/// "Gps Latitude"
/// "Gps LongitudeRef"
/// "Gps Longitude"
/// "Gps AltitudeRef"
/// "Gps Altitude"
/// "Gps GpsTime"
/// "Gps GpsSatellites"
/// "Gps GpsStatus"
/// "Gps GpsMeasureMode"
/// "Gps GpsDop"
/// "Gps SpeedRef"
/// "Gps Speed"
/// "Gps TrackRef"
/// "Gps Track"
/// "Gps ImgDirRef"
/// "Gps ImgDir"
/// "Gps MapDatum"
/// "Gps DestLatRef"
/// "Gps DestLat"
/// "Gps DestLongRef"
/// "Gps DestLong"
/// "Gps DestBearRef"
/// "Gps DestBear"
/// "Gps DestDistRef"
/// "Gps DestDist"
public object this[string index]
return properties[index];
private System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp;
private string data;
private translation myHash;
private Hashtable properties;
internal int Count
return this.properties.Count;
string sp;
public void setTag(int id, string data)
Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
public void setTag(int id, int len, short type, byte [] data)
PropertyItem p = CreatePropertyItem(type,id,len,data);
this.bmp.SetPropertyItem( p );
private static PropertyItem CreatePropertyItem(short type, int tag, int len, byte[] value)
PropertyItem item;
// Loads a PropertyItem from a Jpeg image stored in the assembly as a resource.
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Stream emptyBitmapStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("EXIFextractor.decoy.jpg");
System.Drawing.Image empty = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(emptyBitmapStream);
item = empty.PropertyItems[0];
// Copies the data to the property item.
item.Type = type;
item.Len = len;
item.Id = tag;
item.Value = new byte[value.Length];
value.CopyTo(item.Value, 0);
return item;
public EXIFextractor(ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, string sp )
properties = new Hashtable();
this.bmp = bmp;
this.sp = sp;
myHash = new translation();
string msp = "";
public EXIFextractor(ref System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, string sp, string msp )
properties = new Hashtable();
this.sp = sp;
this.msp = msp;
this.bmp = bmp;
myHash = new translation();
public static PropertyItem[] GetExifProperties(string fileName)
FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream,
/* useEmbeddedColorManagement = */ true,
/* validateImageData = */ false);
return image.PropertyItems;
public EXIFextractor(string file, string sp, string msp )
properties = new Hashtable();
this.sp = sp;
this.msp = msp;
myHash = new translation();
private void buildDB(System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem[] parr)
data = "";
Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
foreach( System.Drawing.Imaging.PropertyItem p in parr )
string v = "";
string name = (string)myHash[p.Id];
// tag not found. skip it
if( name == null ) continue;
data += name+": ";
//1 = BYTE An 8-bit unsigned integer.,
if( p.Type == 0x1 )
v = p.Value[0].ToString();
//2 = ASCII An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code. The final byte is terminated with NULL.,
else if( p.Type == 0x2 )
// string
v = ascii.GetString(p.Value);
//3 = SHORT A 16-bit (2 -byte) unsigned integer,
else if( p.Type == 0x3 )
// orientation // lookup table
switch( p.Id )
case 0x8827: // ISO
v = "ISO-" + convertToInt16U(p.Value).ToString();
case 0xA217: // sensing method
switch( convertToInt16U(p.Value) )
case 1: v = "Not defined"; break;
case 2: v = "One-chip color area sensor"; break;
case 3: v = "Two-chip color area sensor"; break;
case 4: v = "Three-chip color area sensor"; break;
case 5: v = "Color sequential area sensor"; break;
case 7: v = "Trilinear sensor"; break;
case 8: v = "Color sequential linear sensor"; break;
default: v =" reserved"; break;
case 0x8822: // aperture
switch( convertToInt16U(p.Value) )
case 0: v = "Not defined"; break;
case 1: v = "Manual"; break;
case 2: v = "Normal program"; break;
case 3: v = "Aperture priority"; break;
case 4: v = "Shutter priority"; break;
case 5: v = "Creative program (biased toward depth of field)"; break;
case 6: v = "Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)"; break;
case 7: v = "Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)"; break;
case 8: v = "Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)"; break;
default: v = "reserved"; break;
case 0x9207: // metering mode
switch( convertToInt16U(p.Value) )
case 0: v = "unknown";break;
case 1: v = "Average";break;
case 2: v = "CenterWeightedAverage"; break;
case 3: v = "Spot"; break;
case 4: v = "MultiSpot"; break;
case 5: v = "Pattern"; break;
case 6: v = "Partial"; break;
case 255: v = "Other"; break;
default: v = "reserved"; break;
case 0x9208: // light source
switch(convertToInt16U(p.Value) )
case 0:v = "unknown";break;
case 1:v = "Daylight";break;
case 2:v = "Fluorescent";break;
case 3:v = "Tungsten";break;
case 17:v = "Standard light A";break;
case 18:v = "Standard light B";break;
case 19:v = "Standard light C";break;
case 20:v = "D55";break;
case 21:v = "D65";break;
case 22:v = "D75";break;
case 255:v = "other";break;
default:v = "reserved";break;
case 0x9209:
switch(convertToInt16U(p.Value) )
case 0: v = "Flash did not fire"; break;
case 1: v = "Flash fired"; break;
case 5: v = "Strobe return light not detected"; break;
case 7: v = "Strobe return light detected"; break;
default: v = "reserved"; break;
v = convertToInt16U(p.Value).ToString();
//4 = LONG A 32-bit (4 -byte) unsigned integer,
else if( p.Type == 0x4 )
// orientation // lookup table
v = convertToInt32U(p.Value).ToString();
//5 = RATIONAL Two LONGs. The first LONG is the numerator and the second LONG expresses the//denominator.,
else if( p.Type == 0x5 )
// rational
byte []n = new byte[p.Len/2];
byte []d = new byte[p.Len/2];
uint a = convertToInt32U(n);
uint b = convertToInt32U(d);
Rational r = new Rational(a,b);
//convert here
switch( p.Id )
case 0x9202: // aperture
v = "F/" + Math.Round(Math.Pow(Math.Sqrt(2),r.ToDouble()),2).ToString();
case 0x920A:
v = r.ToDouble().ToString();
case 0x829A:
v = r.ToDouble().ToString();
case 0x829D: // F-number
v = "F/" + r.ToDouble().ToString();
v= r.ToString("/");
//7 = UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition,
else if( p.Type == 0x7 )
switch (p.Id )
case 0xA300:
if( p.Value[0] == 3 )
v = "DSC";
v = "reserved";
case 0xA301:
if( p.Value[0] == 1 )
v = "A directly photographed image";
v = "Not a directly photographed image";
v = "-";
//9 = SLONG A 32-bit (4 -byte) signed integer (2‘s complement notation),
else if( p.Type == 0x9 )
v = convertToInt32(p.Value).ToString();
//10 = SRATIONAL Two SLONGs. The first SLONG is the numerator and the second SLONG is the
else if( p.Type == 0xA )
// rational
byte []n = new byte[p.Len/2];
byte []d = new byte[p.Len/2];
int a = convertToInt32(n);
int b = convertToInt32(d);
Rational r = new Rational(a,b);
// convert here
switch( p.Id )
case 0x9201: // shutter speed
v = "1/" +Math.Round( Math.Pow(2,r.ToDouble()),2).ToString();
case 0x9203:
v = Math.Round(r.ToDouble(),4).ToString();
v = r.ToString("/");
// add it to the list
if( properties[name] == null )
// cat it too
data+= v;
data+= this.sp;