2020-12-13 16:13
标签:实验 imp The extend ext stat pac 课程 can 2019秋JAVA第六周课程总结及实验报告(四) 标签:实验 imp The extend ext stat pac 课程 can 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/JingWenxing/p/11618861.html题目:
package com.company;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
double r = sc.nextDouble();
double h = sc.nextDouble();
Cylinder a = new Cylinder(r, h);
class Circle {
public static double Pi = 3.1415926535;
protected double radius;
Circle() { this.radius = 0; }
Circle(double r) { this.radius = r; }
double getRadius() { return this.radius; }
double getPerimeter() { return 2 * Pi * this.radius; }
void disp() {
System.out.println("该圆的半径为: " + this.radius);
System.out.println("该圆的周长为: " + getPerimeter());
System.out.println("该圆的面积为: " + Pi * Math.pow(this.radius, 2));
class Cylinder extends Circle {
double height;
Cylinder (double r, double h) {
super.radius = r;
this.height = h;
double getHeight() { return this.height; }
double getVol() { return Pi * Math.pow(super.radius, 2) * this.height; }
void diapVol() {
System.out.println("该圆柱体的体积为: " + getVol());
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