centos安装php php-fpm
2020-12-13 16:16
标签:style blog http get 文件 2014 1、下载php源码包 http://www.php.net/downloads.php 2 、安装php tar -xvf php-5.5.13.tar.bz2 cd php-5.5.13 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-config-file-path=/etc --enable-inline-optimization --disable-debug --disable-rpath --enable-shared --enable-opcache --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=www --with-fpm-group=www --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --with-gettext --enable-mbstring --with-iconv --with-mcrypt --with-mhash --with-openssl --enable-bcmath --enable-soap --with-libxml-dir --enable-pcntl --enable-shmop --enable-sysvmsg --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-sockets --with-curl --with-zlib --enable-zip --with-bz2 --with-readline --without-sqlite3 --without-pdo-sqlite --with-pear 出现错误: congigure error: xml2-config not found. 解决办法: 执行命令: sudo yum install libxml2-devel 查看是否成功: find / -name "xml2-config" 出现错误: congigure error: Cannot find OpenSSL‘s 解决办法: yum install openssl openssl-devel ln -s /usr/lib64/libssl.so /usr/lib/ 出现错误: configure: error: Please reinstall the BZip2 distribution 解决办法:yum install bzip2 bzip2-devel 出现错误: configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution -easy.h should be in 解决办法:yum -y install curl-devel configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt. sudo yum install libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel mcrypt mhash configure: error: Please reinstall readline - I cannot find readline.h make make install 添加 PHP 命令到环境变量 vim /etc/profile 在末尾加入 PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/php/bin export PATH 要使改动立即生效执行 . /etc/profile 或 source /etc/profile 查看环境变量 echo $PATH 查看php版本 php -v PHP 5.5.13 (cli) (built: Jun 20 2014 11:11:26) 配置php-fpm cd /usr/local/php/etc cp php-fpm.conf.default php-fpm.conf 启动php-fpm sudo /usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm 修改nginx的配置文件(/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf) location / { root web根目录; index index.html index.htm index.php; } location ~ \.php$ { root html; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME web根目录$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } 重启nginx /etc/init.d/nginx restart 在web根目录下创建index.php 在浏览器中输入http://ip/index.php查看成功即可。 //注:根据自己的配置修改web根目录即可,如我的为/usr/share/nginx/html。 centos安装php php-fpm,搜素材,soscw.com centos安装php php-fpm 标签:style blog http get 文件 2014 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/zxpo/p/3798983.html
sudo yum install readline-devel
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