【你吐吧c#每日学习】11.10 C# Data Type conversion
2020-12-13 16:52
标签:io ar sp on bs line res 学习 type implicit explicit float f=12123456.213F int a = Convert.ToInt32(f); //throw exception or int a = (int)f; // not throw exception nut got an overflow value parse and tryparse string to other datatype string a="100fh"; int num=int.Parse(a); //throw exception int result=0; bool isNum=int.TryParse(num,out result); if(isNum){ Console.WriteLine(result); }else{ Console.WriteLine("Invalid")} 【你吐吧c#每日学习】11.10 C# Data Type conversion 标签:io ar sp on bs line res 学习 type 原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/jin-wen-xin/p/4087879.html
文章标题:【你吐吧c#每日学习】11.10 C# Data Type conversion