Edge Drawing

2021-05-05 18:32


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  1. C. Topal, C. Akinlar, Edge Drawing: A Combined Real-Time Edge and Segment Detector,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 23(6), 862-872, 2012.
  2. C. Topal, C. Akinlar, and Y. Genc, Edge Drawing: A Heuristic Approach to Robust Real-Time Edge Detection, Proceedings of the ICPR, pp. 2424-2427, August 2010.

1. Introduction

A good edge detector must produce high quality edge maps, and it must run very fast. The speed of the detector is especially important for real-time computer vision and image processing applications. Among the existing edge detectors, Canny is generally considered to produce the best results, and is assumed to be the de-facto edge detector by the computer vision and image processing community. OpenCV implementation of Canny (cvCanny function) is the fastest known implementation of this famous edge detector, and is used by many real-time computer vision and image processing applications.



图1显示了著名的Lena图像的边缘图,该图像由opencv Canny获得,其中一些低质量的边缘片段已被放大显示。显然,边缘图本身是低质量的,由边缘线段组成,其中包括参差不齐的、不连续、无人值守的、多像素宽度的边缘。这是因为传统的边缘检测器,包括Canny算法,以孤立的和单独的方式评估像素,通常忽略像素间的关系,从而导致这种不连续性,单个和无人值守的边缘线段的构成。

 对现有边缘检测实时性能的应用评价已经清楚地显示为一种新的边缘检测,需满足以下要求:(1)跑得很快,即实时性,(2)生产高质量的边缘图由相干的,连续的,本地化,1个像素宽的边缘。下面,我们提出边缘绘制(ED)[ 1 ]作为一种新的非正统的边缘或边界检测算法,满足这两个要求。ED不仅与传统的二值边缘图相区别,而且以矢量形式输出边缘图作为一组边缘段,每个边缘段由一个连续的像素链组成。

2. Edge Drawing algorithm (ED)

ED works on grayscale images and is comprised of four main steps:
(1) Suppression of noise by Gaussian filtering.
(2) Computation of the gradient magnitude and edge direction
(3) Extraction of the anchors.
(4) Connecting the anchors by smart routing.

2.1. Gaussian filtering

the very first step of ED is similar to most image processing methods: we convolve the image with a Gaussian kernel to suppress noise and smooth out the image. For all results given in this paper, a 5 × 5 Gaussian kernel with 技术分享= 1 is used.

2.2. Computation of the gradient magnitude and edge direction maps



Figure 2 depicts the computation of the gradient magnitude and edge direction maps. Using the smoothed image, we compute the horizontal and vertical gradients, Gx and Gy, respectively. Any of the well-known gradient operators, e.g., Prewitt, Sobel, Scharr, etc., can be used at this step. The gradient magnitude G at a pixel is then obtained by simply adding Gx and Gy, i.e., G = |Gx| + |Gy|. Simultaneously with the gradient magnitude map, the edge direction map is also computed by simply comparing the horizontal and vertical gradients at each pixel. If the horizontal gradient is bigger, i.e., |Gx| >= |Gy|, a vertical edge is assumed to pass through the pixel. Otherwise, a horizontal edge is assumed to pass through the pixel. So, the gradient angle at a pixel is assumed to be either 0 or 90 degrees. Our experiments have shown that using two gradient angles were enough to smartly route the anchor linking process. Increasing the number of gradient angles simply increases the computational time without aiding the linking process.我们的实验表明,使用两个梯度角足以巧妙地锚定连接过程。增加梯度角的数目只是增加了计算时间而不帮助连接过程。


Figure 3: (a) Input image Lena, (b)Thresholded image with respect to gradient magnitudes. The Sobel operator and a threshold of 36 were used to obtain this image.

为了帮助我们忽略非边缘像素并加快计算速度,我们对梯度图进行阈值化,消除所谓的“弱”像素。这非常类似于Canny通过低阈值消除弱像素[ 3 ]:回想一下,在计算梯度图之后,Canny消除了梯度值小于用户定义的低阈值的像素。这些像素不包含边缘元素(边缘像素)。我们使用相同的想法,并消除那些像素的梯度幅度小于一个特定的用户定义的阈值。图3(a)显示了Lena图像,图3(b)显示相应的阈值梯度图。为了获得这个梯度图,我们使用Sobel算子和36的梯度阈值。黑色像素是Sobel算子产生小于36的梯度值的所有像素,所有其他像素都被标记为白色。我们称之为“边缘区域”图像。所有图像的边缘像素必须位于边缘区域的边界。消除的黑色像素不包含边缘像素。

 2.3. Extraction of the anchors

高斯滤波和梯度图计算,ED前两个步骤与大多数边缘检测算法相似。边缘区域的图像而计算后,ED遵循一个非常非正统的方法:不是测试边缘区域内的单个像素成为边缘素,ED像素子集的第一个点(称为锚),然后将这些锚连接起来由一个启发式智能路算法( a heuristic smart routing algorithm)。直观地说,锚对应梯度图的峰(maximas)。如果你在3D中看到梯度图,锚就会成为山脉的顶点。







 2.4. Connecting the anchors by smart routing



The smart routing process works as follows: 从锚点开始,我们查看通过锚的边缘的方向。如果水平边通过锚,我们开始连接过程,通过向左和右边行走(参见图6(a))。如果垂直边通过锚点,我们将开始上下移动链接过程(参见图6(b))。在移动过程中,只有3个紧邻的邻居被考虑,最大梯度值的一个被选中。移动在2个条件下停止:


Edge Drawing

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