mock测试出现Circular view path [trade_records]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL
2021-07-20 20:05
标签:targe mock void path dispatch 返回 isp current res 这是因为你的Controller中返回的视图名称与你当前的requestMapping名称一样,这并没有很好的解决方案,除非你改掉其中一个名字。 因为springframework test时你并没有指定一个ViewResolver,默认启用的是InternalResourceViewResolver。 Stack Overflow: mock测试出现Circular view path [trade_records]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL 标签:targe mock void path dispatch 返回 isp current res 原文地址:
文章标题:mock测试出现Circular view path [trade_records]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL